Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Elephant attacks man as he gets close to take picture in southern India


A man was knocked down by an elephant after getting too close to the animal in order to take a picture in southern India.

The incident took place on March 19 in Alappuzha district in the south Indian state of Kerala.

Footage captured on March 19 shows a man getting close to an elephant while trying to take a picture of the tusker at the Aravukadu Sreedevi temple.

The pachyderm then attacks the man, knocking him cold with its trunk.

The misery did not end there, the elephant later threw him away a few feet as other people watched in horror.

However, following the attack, the pachyderm did not do any harm.

The victim was identified as Reenesh, 43, a truck driver by profession. Fortunately, he survived the attack and has been in the hospital since. His condition is said to be critical.

It is yet not known what enraged the animal.

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