Thursday, March 07, 2019

Man crushed by elephant while whipping it to get it to sit

A man was crushed to death by an elephant while hitting the animal and cleaning it.

Video published by multiple international outlets shows Arun Panikkar washing the elephant in India with a hose. The Mirror UK reports he hit the elephant with a stick in an attempt to get it to sit down so he could clean the top of the massive animal. He then appears to slip on the wet ground, and then the elephant sits on him, crushing him to death.

Another man who was nearby ran over and tried to get the elephant to move off Panikkar, but couldn't get it to budge. Eventually, he used a stick to get the elephant to stand up and then pulled Panikkar out from underneath.

You can watch a blurred version of the video by clicking here. Even blurred, it may be difficult to watch and viewer discretion is advised.

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